With any idea, you need an inspiration. For me, that inspiration came in the form of a National Geographic magazine I came across at Goodwill (below). The article in the magazine discussed Jamestown's economy. Perfect!
When you download the lesson, you will see the student handout is divided into four sections - see, wonder, think, prediction. This type of worksheet can be used with any study of art. The class will complete each section together so we all finish together. Once everyone has completed the worksheet for their assigned artifact, I get each group to discuss what they observed and what they predict the object is (I project the artifact so everyone can see it). After the prediction, I tell them what the artifact actually is (many will predict incorrectly). Part 2 of the lesson comes next - the study of Jamestown economy, using reading handouts that incorporate the characteristics of the free enterprise system. If time is an issue, you can take this information and create a PowerPoint.
Jamestown lesson plan
Jamestown PowerPoint converted to PDF (can project to direct lesson)
If you would like more ideas on how to incorporate art into your Economics classroom, visit my page Art and Economics.
To purchase the magazine through Amazon, click here.